Our proactive, monthly WordPress website maintenance program and premium website hosting plans are a hands-off, stress-free way to keep your website up-to-date, secure, and performing optimally!
updating your website monthly keeps it secure and at peak performance
Each month, our experienced web development team provides comprehensive, technical maintenance on your WordPress website to ensure your back-end website technology remains updated.
Our proactive approach helps to alleviate problems before they arise. This includes researching and implementing any security updates and staying on top of compatibility issues.
We’ll keep your website running smoothly, saving you time, energy, and money so you can focus on your business.
“A huge shoutout to Laurie for swooping in to rescue my website when it went haywire. Seriously, I didn’t update anything on the website and bam! Got hit with a nasty virus which redirected my clients to a Viagra ad of all things! Simply Styled Sites came to the rescue, migrated my site to her super-secure server, and fixed everything better than new! Now, I can finally breathe easy knowing my site’s in good hands. If you ever find yourself in a web development pickle, Laurie is the one to call. Trust me, you won’t regret it!”
how it works
Our expert team of WordPress developers keeps your site’s tech aligned with the most recent, stable releases and alerts you to any potential compatibility or security disruptions, offering solutions that can often alleviate the problem, before it arises.
Performed by Humans
No bots here, we have talented, humans monitoring and performing updates each month to ensure your website maintenance gets done right. We carefully review the site after each update and will fix any known issues caused by updating. In addition, receive Priority Support for your additional requests!
Exclusive, Dedicated, Secure
Our server, our clients -- we only host the same high-quality websites that we build. With the "know your neighbors" advantage of a dedicated server, you never have to worry about what other types of websites are being hosted next to yours, which drastically reduces any unwanted activity or spam that might affect your site.
Troubleshooting compatibility and fixing functionality issues that arise from the updates is included. Depending on the package, small tasks less than 15 min per task are also included. Additional support including advanced functionalicy, custom requests, emergency needs, content changes or design changes greater than 15 min and potentially other miscellaneous tasks are not included in the Monthly Maintenance or Monthly Maintenance + Hosting packages.
we take care of the tech so you can focus on running your business
hands-off, worry-free
We’ve got you covered! Our dedicated team will automatically manage your website maintenance and updates each month and send you a comprehensive report so you can focus on on your business.
preventative approach
When problems do arise, they can escalate quickly and expensively. Our website maintenance helps alleviate disruptions and keeps your site running smoothly, with no surprises.
priority support
We’re your dedicated, go-to team if you have any questions about your existing website technology. We’ve even got training videos and how-to’s to help you better understand how to use your website!
peace of mind
You can breathe easy and focus on your business knowing your website won’t be a source of stress. Our team does extensive research, monitors your site and performs necessary updates so you don’t have to.

Montly Website Maintenance & Premium Hosting Service Provided by Simply Styled Sites, a Pursu Agency Partner.
Not sure which option is best for you? Contact us to talk about custom solutions!
Want to Know More?
Learn more about why regular website maintenance is important for the health and performance of your website, what the risks are if you don't regularly perform updates and how you can avoid costly mistakes by keeping your website up to date!