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Pursu Client Training

At Pursu, we believe in empowering our clients. We don’t think you should have to reach out to us for every single minute edit on your site. That’s why we’ve created this page with instructions you can use to make simple edits to your website.

How to Use the Salient Page Builder

The Salient Page Builder is a highly tailored version of the popular plugin WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer). Using it unleashes the true power of Salient as many elements are unique and handcrafted exclusively by ThemeNectar. Below is a guide of the various sections of the interface, click on the hotspots to get familiar with the page builder.

Things to note:
  • Edit from the Backend or Frontend.
  • When logged into the Backend of a page, you will see other User’s if they are currently editing. You will NOT from the Frontend.
  • If you don’t see the builder in the Backend, click the blue button for “Backend Editor”.
  • Save the individual element.
  • Select the UNDO icon at the top of the page builder as needed.
  • Always UPDATE the page itself when complete.
Toggle to switch between page builder interface and classic WordPress editor
Toggle to the front-end editor mode. If you’re not seeing this option, ensure you’re using a current version of the WPBakery Page Builder plugin (v5.6+ is required)
Toggles to the WordPress 5.0 block editor mode
Row column layout section, from here you can select what column layout will be used for the row
Opens the Salient Studios template library—a collection of predesigned sections exclusively from ThemeNectar which you can insert into your pages
Back/Forward history state controls for every change in the page builder
Element controls: The pencil icon will bring up all element configuration options, the next icon allows you to clone the element and the trash icon will delete the element
Column controls: The plus icon allows you to add more elements into the column, the pencil icon will bring up all column configuration options and the trash icon will delete the column
Row controls: The pencil icon will bring up all row configuration options, the next icon will allows you to clone the row and the trash icon will delete the row
Add new element to the page

How to Add or Edit Content

Find the text you would like to update.  Hover over the section element and click on the pencil icon for additional settings.

Element settings vary, but select the pencil icon and limit your edits to text only or where you feel comfortable.

Remember to always SAVE the element, then UPDATE the page.

Things to note:
  • Within a text element, you can toggle the menu for more options with this icon
  • Do not design with heading tags. Contact us for custom support.
  • Paste without formatting or use the Text tab in the editor.

Image elements will consist primarily of Single Image or Image Gallery. Find the image to replace and select the pencil icon to edit and view settings. You can either add from the Media Library or Upload File your computer.

Things to note:
  • Some images may be behind row or column backgrounds.
  • Background images you can align accordingly.
  • Some images may need to be manipulated BEFORE upload to appear properly.

Posts are like newspaper articles commonly known as “Blogs”, but are more of a way to feed dynamic content into a Page, which is more static content. As a best practice and for SEO purposes, place your original content in the editor. You may opt to use the WP Bakery Page Builder and if you need custom help or blog templates, contact us.

Step-by-Step Instructions

For every post you must include:
  • Title
  • Content
  • Category- select checkbox or add new category
  • Publish Date- Publish immediately or select Edit to set a future date to post automatically.
  • Featured Image- this will display as the feed thumbnail and if shared on social media.


Go to the ME Calendar section from the WordPress admin dashboard.

For every event you must include:
  • Title
  • Content
  • Category- select checkbox or add new category
  • Publish Date- Publish immediately or select Edit to set a future date to post automatically.
  • Featured Image- this will display as the feed thumbnail and if shared on social media.
For more detailed instructions from the plugin developers GO HERE
For Event Details you can add:
  • Date & Time
  • Event Repeating (Recurring)
  • Event Data
  • Hourly Schedule
  • Location
  • Links
  • Organizer
  • Cost
  • Event Status

WooCommerce Edits

How to Edit Attributes & Variations

What is an attribute? Things like size and color.

What is a variation? Options within those attributes.

  • i.e. Red is variation of color, large is a variation of size, floral is a variation of print, etc.

1. Access the Attributes page from the Product section of the main WordPress menu

2. To add an attribute, use the section on the lefthand side

  • Add the name of the attribute in the Name section
    • A slug (used for the URL) will be added automatically
  • Make sure to press the blue Add Attribute button at the bottom as well

3. To add a variation, click the Configure Terms button on the right hand side of the attribute box under Terms

4. On the following page, use the section on the left hand side to add variations

  • Add the name of the variation in the Name section
    • A slug (used for the URL) will be added automatically
  • Make sure to press the blue Add New Color button at the bottom as well
    • The button will say the name of the variation you are editing. In our example, we’re editing the Color variation, hence the name Add New Color
    • One thing to note is this page shows how many items are labeled with a particular variation in the Count section of the table on the right hand side

5. You can also edit existing variations

  • Not recommended because it can effect URL structure
    • This has negative SEO implications

How to Add a Product

1. Go to the Products page from the WP main menu

2. There is a Add New button at the top of the Products page

3. If you are adding a single product then use the product type called Simple Product

  • i.e. A cap

4. Add the price in the Regular Price box in the Simple Product section

  • You can also add a sales price in this section, if needed

5. You can add attributes to a simple product, but it’s not necessary

  • i.e. Your caps may come in different colors

6. If you’re adding a product with variations, use the product type called Variable Product

  • i.e. A new type of swim top with different sizes, colors and prints
  • This type of product adds a new area called variations, where they can be accessed

7. First, you need to add an Attribute

  • From the Attribute section, select the attribute you want to use (i.e. color) from the dropdown
    • Then press Add
  • In the Values box that shows up, add the variations that apply to the product that you’re adding
    • These variations will pre-populate from the variations section that we went over earlier in this tutorial
    • On windows, you can hold down the control key and select multiple variations at once
  • Make sure the Use for Variations checkbox is checked
  • Don’t forget to press Save Attribute
  • You can add as many attributes as you need 
    • i.e. color and size

8. Then head to the Variations section

    • From the dropdown select Add Variation
      • This is if you add in a random variation later on
        • i.e. You added purple as a color for your tops
      • Adds the variation one at a time
  • Select the variation you are adding from the dropdown
  • Don’t forget to Save Changes

9. Or you can select Create Variations from All Attributes

  • This will create combinations of every size and every color
    • The only ones that will be created are from the selections you made in the Attributes section
  • You will need to set a price for each value that is created
    • Select Set Regular Prices
      • Use this selection if all the variations have the same price
    • In the box that appears, enter in the price of the variation

10. Select the variation name to get more details about the variation

  • You will see that the price is set from what we did previously

11. Select manage stock to edit inventory values

  • When adding in a new product, you will need to manually enter the inventory for each variation
  • Edit Stock Quantity to reflect your inventory numbers
  • Make sure to save your changes so all the work you did takes effect 

1. Go to WooCommerce section from main WordPress menu and click on Coupon

2. Click Add Coupon

3.Name coupon code

  • For example, you can call the code SUMMER50
  • You can also press Generate Coupon Code button underneath name field to generate a random code if desired

4. Select the type of coupon variation that you want

  • Percentage Discount: A percentage discount for selected products only. 
    • For example, if the cart contains three (3) t-shirts @ $20 each = $60, a coupon for 10% off applies a discount of $6.
  • Fixed Cart Discount: A fixed total discount for the entire cart. 
    • For example, if the cart contains three (3)  t-shirts @ $20 each = $60, a coupon for $10 off gives a discount of $10.
  • Fixed Product Discount: A fixed total discount for selected products only. 
    • Customer receives a set amount of discount per item. For example, three (3) t-shirts @ $20 each with a coupon for $10 off applies a discount of $30.

5. Enter coupon amount

  • Coupon amount depends on type of coupon selected
    • If percentage selected, then amount entered will be percentage
    • If fixed amount selected, then amount entered will be fixed amount

6. Select Free Shipping if you want the coupon to enable free shipping

  • Will need to set free shipping coupon, which we will discuss later in this doc

7. Set an expiration date for this coupon, if necessary

8. Go to the Usage Restrictions section to set parameters for the coupon

  • Minimum Spend: Allows you to set the minimum subtotal needed to use the coupon.  Note: The sum of the cart subtotal + tax is used to determine the minimum amount.
  • Maximum Spend: Allows you to set the maximum subtotal allowed when using the coupon.
  • Individual Use Only: Tick the box if you don’t want this coupon to be used in combination with other coupons.
  • Exclude Sale Items: Tick the box if you don’t want this coupon to apply to products on sale. Per-cart coupons do not work if a sale item is added afterward.
  • Products: Products that the coupon will be applied to, or that need to be in the cart in order for the fixed or percentage discount to be applied.
  • Exclude Products: Products that the coupon will not be applied to, or that cannot be in the cart in order for the “Fixed cart discount” to be applied.
  • Product Categories: Product categories that the coupon will be applied to, or that need to be in the cart in order for the fixed or percentage discount to be applied.
  • Exclude Categories: Product categories that the coupon will not be applied to, or that cannot be in the cart in order for the “Fixed cart discount” to be applied.
  • Allowed Emails/Email Restrictions: Email address or addresses that can use a coupon. Verified against customer’s billing email. WooCommerce 3.4+ also allows you to include a wildcard character (*) to match multiple email addresses, for example, `*` would make any gmail address.
  • For product specific coupon discounts, select the products that are affected by the coupon in the Product field of this section

9. Go to Usage Limits section

  • Usage Limit Per Coupon: How many times a coupon can be used by all customers before being invalid.
  • Limit Usage to X Items: How many items the coupon can be applied to before being invalid. This field is only displayed if there is one or more products that the coupon can be used with, and is configured under the Usage Restrictions.
  • Usage Limit per User: How many times a coupon can be used by each customer before being invalid for that customer.

10. Once you’ve configured all settings, select Publish and your coupon is ready to use.

Viewing & Editing Multiple Orders

1. Go to Woocommerce and from the dropdown choose the Orders section

2. In the Orders page, as a shop gathers orders the page will begin to fill up. Various orders will be shown on the page with a variety of statuses.

3. Each row displays several details. Some are there by default, others can be added. These are the available options:

  • Order number and customer name
  • Date of purchase
  • Order status
  • Billing address
  • Shipping address
  • Purchase total
  • Actions

4. To change these columns:

  • Go to: WooCommerce > Orders.
  • Select Screen Options in the top right corner.
  • Select which Columns to show.
  • Select how many Items you want to be displayed on each page.
  • Then Apply.

5. To change how orders are filtered, use the dropdown options.

  • You can filter orders by date (month/year) or by customer

6. To shift the arrangement of orders, click the corresponding column title.

  • Orders can be arranged by:
    • Ascending
    • Descending
    • Order Number
    • Date
    • Total

7. To preview a particular order, click on the Preview “eye.” 

  • Clicking Preview opens a new box which contains the order number, order status, billing details, payment method, shipping details, shipping method, items ordered, and the option to change the order status.

8. The following order statuses are:

    • Pending payment — Order received, no payment initiated. Awaiting payment (unpaid).
    • Failed — Payment failed or was declined (unpaid) or requires authentication (SCA). Note that this status may not show immediately and instead show as Pending until verified (e.g., PayPal).
    • Processing — Payment received (paid) and stock has been reduced; order is awaiting fulfillment. All product orders require processing, except those that only contain products which are both Virtual and Downloadable.
    • Completed — Order fulfilled and complete – requires no further action.
    • On hold — Awaiting payment – stock is reduced, but you need to confirm payment.
    • Canceled — Canceled by an admin or the customer – stock is increased, no further action required.
    • Refunded — Refunded by an admin – no further action required.
    • Authentication required — Awaiting action by the customer to authenticate the transaction and/or complete SCA requirements.
  • Billing address
  • Shipping address
  • Purchase total
  • Actions

9. Order statuses are color-coded and descriptive.

  • Canceled – Grey
  • Completed – Blue
  • Failed – Red
  • On Hold – Orange
  • Pending Payment – Grey
  • Processing – Green
  • Refunded – Grey

10. Hover over statuses to display notes made on the order. 

11. Change the status of an order with the shortcut buttons at the end of each row. 

  • You can mark orders as Processing or Complete.

Viewing & Editing Single Orders

1. To view a single order, either click on the Order Number or Customer Name.

  • From the Single Order page not only can you view all order data, but also edit and update.
    • Change the order status.
    • Edit order items – modify the product, prices, and taxes.
    • Stock – Reduce and restore stock for an order
    • Order Actions – Email order details to customer (handy if manually creating an order for your customers) or Regenerate download permissions
    • Modify product Meta to edit product variations by removing and adding meta
    • Apply coupons. You will need to know the coupon code to apply to the order. Coupon usage counts are tracked, and coupons can also be removed from orders. Note: the order must be unpaid for coupons to have an affect
    • Add fee. You can enter an amount or percentage to add a fee to an order. Negative fees will apportion taxes between all other items, and will not make the cart total go below zero
  • From the Order Details panel you can view:
    • Order number
    • Payment details
    • Order date and time
    • Order status
    • Customer details:
      • Username and email, together with a link to view their profile and other purchases the customer may have had in the past
      • Billing details
      • Shipping details

2. Most of the details in this section can be updated and/or changes.

  • To change the date and time, use the dropdown date selector and the quantity selectors for the time.
  • To change the status, choose the right status in the dropdown.
  • To change the customer, select the current customer and search for the new customer.

Under “Billing” and “Shipping”, several other details can be changed. In order to do so, select the pencil icon next to each of them.

  • Under “Billing”, the following things can be changed:
    • Billing address — this can also be loaded from the customer’s profile by selecting “Load billing address”
    • Email
    • Phone number
    • Payment method and details
  • Under “Shipping”, the following things can be changed:
    • Shipping address — this can also be loaded from the customer’s profile or copied from the billing address
    • Customer provided note

3. Once you’ve made the necessary changes, select Update to update the order.

4. The next panel on the order page is the Order Items panel. This contains the product items, the shipping details, and the order summary.

  • Each product item row lists:
    • Product image
    • Product name
    • Single product Cost
    • Quantity
    • Total (Cost x Quantity, with discounts taken into consideration)
    • Taxes
  • Below that, the shipping details are displayed. This will include:
    • Shipping method
    • Boxed items
    • Total cost
    • Taxes
  • The last section contains an overview of the order costs. This section will change if an order is refunded. By default, it will include:
    • Items subtotal — cost excluding tax
    • Coupon(s) — amount deducted based on the use of coupons; the coupons used are displayed left in this section
    • Shipping — the shipping cost for the order
    • Taxes — the amount of taxes for the whole order; this will be replaced by the tax code applied to the order
    • Order total — the total of the above costs
    • Finally, below the line, an overview of what is paid and the fees taken by payment gateways

5. Apart from refunding, order items can not be edited, unless the order status is “Pending payment”, or “On hold.”

6. Product items can be partially edited:

  • Add Meta — Add and remove meta to change product variable options.
  • Quantity — Number of items the customer is purchasing.
  • Total — Line price and line tax before pre-tax discounts.
  • Tax — Tax cost. For example, if a customer is tax-exempt you may want to remove the taxes.

7. Next, you can do four actions at the bottom of this window:

  • Add item(s) — this will show you six new options:
    • Add product(s) — Add additional products to the order.
    • Add fee — Add an additional fee, such as gift wrapping.
    • Add shipping — Add a shipping cost. When you’ve done this, select the pencil icon to update the name, the method, the cost, and the tax.
    • Add tax — Add an additional tax code to every section in the order.
    • Cancel — Cancel if you do not want to make any changes.
    • Save — Save once the changes are made.
  • Once you’ve done this, select Recalculate to make sure all the changes are reflected in the order totals.
  • Apply coupon — If your customer forgot to add the coupon could or you want to reward the customer before they pay, selecting this option will show a modal that allows you to apply a coupon code.
  • Refund — to refund the customer. For more information about Manual and Automatic Refunds, see WooCommerce Refunds.