Logo design for Neuropuncture


We were approached by Dr. Michael Corradino about revamping his branding and website for his established neuroscience + acupuncture system. He had been seeing some success with his company, but growth was limited. He came to us looking for a scalable solution that appealed to patients as well as other acupuncture specialists seeking specialized Neuropuncture training. We had creative license to develop professional, modern design and build a website that truly represented the amazing work he is doing.

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Original Neuropuncture Logo before the Pursu Agency helped them rebrand. New Neuropuncture logo, successful rebrand of Neuropuncture.

how we helped

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Our first task was to develop a strong strategy for growth. We worked closely with Dr. Corradino and his team to uncover details about their vision, target audience and goals. We used those goals to form the foundation of the branding, organize the content structure on their website and identify opportunities for continued success through future marketing endeavors.


We conducted extensive research for the Neuropuncture branding, since they are breaking boundaries and pushing past what is known about acupuncture based neuroscience, there were no competitors to research. We dug deep and established a strong brand foundation so that the Neuropuncture brand could continue to innovate. The sleek modern logo and bold color palette lend themselves well to the forward-thinking that Neuropuncture is known for.


Our expert team of website developers worked closely with the Neuropuncture team to find and guide the best user experience and content strategy for the website. Since we were catering to multiple target market, we had to carefully structure the content and UX/UI to direct users to the right information, make complex ideas easily understandable and bridge the gap between patients and practitioners.


No website is complete if it can’t be found online. Since Neuropuncture is highly innovative with little competition our SEO and content marketing team had to get creative on how to attract their target audience. They developed a profound list of prime keywords and phrases they could implement via on-page SEO to help Neuropuncture get the recognition it deserves!

"Pursu did a great job with the new logo and website! Everyone loves it!"

Michael Corradino  |  Founder, Neuropuncture

growth & success

Just like Dr. Michael Corradino is bringing acupuncture to the 21st century, we took his brand to a whole new level with bright, innovative colors and a modern look. The visual identity really promotes Neuropuncture’s professional, forward-thinking vibe and presents information in a clear and concise way.

The overall response to the new branding, new website and marketing materials has been overwhelmingly positive and our team couldn’t be happier to have been a part of this rebranding project.

Services Provided Brand Strategy Logo Design Website Development On-Page SEO Content Strategy

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